3. Quartal 2024/25
Software training
Introduction to Adobe Creative Suite
Unterrichtssituation, Foto: Françoise Caraco
Kursnummer: 6894
F+F, Flurstrasse 89, 8047 Zürich
Dive into the world of professional graphic software and learn your first skills in Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator. You will gain an understanding of the three different software and the many creative possibilities that these applications offer. You will get to know the basic functions and work with the most essential tools through simple exercises. This knowledge will help you on your way to creating basic applications for print and screen.
Admission requirements: Basic computer knowledge, taught in English
Die Anmeldung ist abgeschlossen.
Plätze: 7–12
Kosten: CHF 330.00 inkl. Material
09.00–16.00 Uhr
09.00–16.00 Uhr
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