Perceptive Oil Painting
Image: work by Mae Anoushka Matus
Kursnummer: 6914
F+F, Flurstrasse 89, 8047 Zürich

The goal is to go beyond the limits of mere replication. You will learn the techniques of drawing, the nuances of grayscale, the principles of composition, and color theory. By sharpening your perception, you will be able to capture the scene with your senses instead of just imitating it photorealistically. Painting becomes a means of your own visual poetry. You will learn to confidently express what you perceive with the tools of painting.

This course is taught in English. If you have any questions concerning the language, please don’t hesitate to contact us

Admission requirements: None, taught in English

Bring along: Workwear
  • Anmelden bis: 24. März 2025
  • Plätze: 7–12
  • Kosten: CHF 865.00 inkl. Material
  • Anmeldung Im Warenkorb


Di. 06.05.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 13.05.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 20.05.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 27.05.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 03.06.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 10.06.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr
Di. 17.06.2025 18.00–21.00 Uhr