Öffentliche Veranstaltungen
Kunst HF
guest_*talk-Lunch: The Sea is Closed mit Nourhan Maayouf
Di. 21.05.2019, 12.15–13.15 Uhr
Flurstrasse 89, 8047 Zürich, 1. Stock, Raum 109
Wir freuen uns die Gastkünstlerin
Nourhan Maayouf begrüssen zu dürfen und sie und ihre künsterische Praxis in einem einstündigen Gespräch näher kennenzulernen.
Zum Gespräch werden verschiedene Snacks (vegetarisch & vegan) und ägyptischer Tee serviert. Es darf auch gerne das eigene Mittagessen mitgebracht werden. Das Gespräch findet auf englisch statt.
In a one hour talk,
Nourhan Maayouf will talk about the story of a child who wanted to swim after sunset, and his mother who told him «the sea is closed, no one is swimming at the moment»; a project that took place during her art residency in Paris. She will also talk about her practise as well as other photography and video projects, that took place in Cairo throughout the past 5 years.
Nourhan Maayouf’s work is autobiographical in nature, told through self portraits and staged setups as she explores domestic themes and relationships. Her visual language is one of natural, dramatic lighting, using minimalist methods like simple props around the house and found objects.The visual interpretation is often literal, bittersweet, and embedded with a layer of dark humor and playfulness.
Eine Kooperation mit
Pro Helvetia